7174 Washington St. Denver, CO 80229 | 303.455.4088 | 1.800.shaolin | Contact Us Log-in
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A Warm Shao-lin Welcome! 

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We offer a variety of membership packages.

Membership Dues


Kung Fu is comprised of various colorful styles of skill and training, making up the extensive Shao-Lin System available today!

Whatever you body type and condition, we have a variety of Internal and External styles for you to choose from...Click here for Curriculum

Forest Zen 


(All memberships *include* Unlimited days/attendance & OnLine Instructional Videos 24/7***)

Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Wooden Man & Meditation

Class Hours/Weekly Schedule (5 Days a Week – Instruction & Review)

Tuesday Evening 5:00-6:00pm
Kung Fu & Tai Chi - Beginners
Kung Fu & Tai Chi - Beginners/Brown Belt & Black Belt
Wooden Man – Iron Monk Kung Fu
Advanced Classes *when scheduled*

Thursday Morning 11:00am-12:00pm
Kung Fu & Tai Chi - Beginners/Brown Belt & Black Belt
Kung Fu & Tai Chi - Beginners/Brown Belt & Black Belt

Saturday Morning/Afternoon 9:00am-10:00am
Advanced Black Belt Kung Fu Seminar
Brown Belt & Black Belt - Kung Fu
Wooden Man – Iron Monk Kung Fu
Dragon Meditation - Chi Kung
Kung Fu & Tai Chi - Beginners

Sunday Afternoon 10:00am-12:00pm
Advanced Classes *when scheduled*
Brown Belt & Black Belt/Wooden Man - Iron Monk Kung Fu
Kung Fu & Tai ChiBeginners

Monday Evening 6:00pm-8:00pm Open To: All Brown Belts & Black Belts - Kung Fu – Review ONLY

Private Instruction Available – contact school to set up instruction times.
Online instruction included on "Shao-Lin Zen Fores" Facebook Groups


The Denver School is under the direction of the 8th degree Elder Masters.

Class Locations/Maps

Other schools instructors are certified annually by the Elder Masters.

What to Wear 

The school uniform is optional the 1st month of classes. Students may wear any loose fitting clothing during the first month of training or you may purchase a uniform.

Private Instruction 

Available at the Denver location.

Private Instruction


Classes are structured for adults. The recommended age for children is 9 years old, however, we will allow a student as young as 6 to 8 yrs old if an older sibling or parent joins with them. We suggest that you purchase only a 1 month membership for a youngster under 12, and have them join on a trial basis to see how the 1st month goes.

* Shao-Lin Kung Fu & Tai Chi "Reserve the right" to refuse service/membership/instruction to anyone!

Please call or email support@shao-lin.com to make an appointment to visit, ask questions and set-up your 1st free lesson. Or just come to the school, ready to begin your 1st free class. (Denver 303.455.4088).