Chinese “Year of the Green *wood* SNAKE” Greetings,
Shao-Lin Students, Masters and Instructors,
January was a very GREAT start to the New Year, and February has lots of exciting training for All
In Denver, we start February 2025 with the rare General Yueh Fei’s “HSIN I CHIEN” - 2-Handed Sword - 12 Roads
& 10 Animals - Classical Chinese Internal weapon from the Southern Song Dynasty, used to strike pressure
Black Belts:
Start February 2025 with the famous Yang Family TAI CHI CH’UAN – Grand Ultimate Fist!
This branch of Tai Chi is considered the essence of “Meditation-in-Motion” and features the Most famous and well
known Tai Chi Master.
We’ll be sharing legends and stories of his many feats and encounters.
Beginning Saturday 2/1/25 – and offered 5 Days a Week & OnLine 24/7
Brown Belts:
Will begin the month with the elegant Fukien WHITE CRANE system known for its grace, speed and accuracy. As they
prepare for their upcoming TEST on Saturday, March 29th @ 11am!
Adding to the excitement and FUN this month,
we will be offering to All Levels, the “WEAPONS DEFENSE Class – Practical skills and techniques to defend
yourself against a knife or gun! As well as, Awareness training and Prevention!
(Be sure to purchase your rubber knife & gun while supplies last)
For our Advanced Black Belts,
we will be offering the legendary and secret Art of Dim Mak, also known as Tien Hsueh – The Ancient ART of
Striking the Pressure Points! 18 “Hit the BronzeMan” skills and applications.
(Be sure to bring your Acupuncture Models to locate the striking points)
Our ever popular DRAGON MEDITATION class continues –NOURISHING Chi Kung postures – for Mind and Body and Spirit!
Taught every Saturday @ 12Noon.