

Almost Fall Greetings, Shao-Lin Students,

The heat is “still” ON, and so are the air conditioning and fans at the school, and this month has even MORE rare and exciting training for all levels.

Brown Belts:
During the month of September, the Brown Belts will be learning their

Ancient Shao-Lin Birds, beginning with: Luo Tien / Chan Ie - “Descends from Heaven / Spreading of the Wings”

All month long! Brown Belts will continue to review their 4 weapons for Summer 4 Days a Week!

Black Belts:
In September, our Denver Black Belts will begin focusing the next 4 months on:

HEI HU TAO HSIN – Shantung Black Tiger “Yanks the Heart”

The first of FOUR very explosive and historic TIGER forms from the famous Shantung Province!

In Denver, we Start the Month of SEPTEMBER with:

Tung Hai Chuan’s - PaKua SUN & MOON Forks


And for ALL Levels of Shao-Lin students, we’re offering:

TaMo’s I CHIN CHING – Classical Chi Kung Training


Also at the beginning of the month

HSING I LIU HE’ KUEN - Hsing-I SIX Harmonies Staff

WuDang Internal Weapon


During the 2nd Weekend in SEPTEMBER, it will be our

Annual Fall Festival @ the Chinese Shao-Lin Center in Albuquerque, NM!

White Snake Battles the Evil Monk

and Annual Black Belt PreTEST & Brown Belt/Lower Belt TEST!


At the end of the month, we’ll offering the colorful and fun:

8 Immortal’s CHI KAI PO AN SHO CHANG Drunken Beggar’s Broken Bowl & Frail Stick!


Hsing I Liu He’ Kuen - 6 Harmonies Staff

WuDang Internal Weapon: Hsing-I SIX Harmonies Staff
Beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (7PM – 8PM)
OPEN To: 1st degree Black Belts & Above (4 Weeks!)

Festival Flyer

Pa Kua Sun And Moon Forks

Advanced Taoist Internal Double Weapon
Starting Saturday, September 7th (9AM – 10AM)
OPEN To: 3rd Browns & Above (for 8 weeks!)

Festival Flyer

TaMo’s I Chin Ching – Classical Chi Kung Training

Original 1,500 Year Old MUSCLE TENDON CHANGE Classic
Starting Saturday, September 7th (12Noon - 1PM)
OPEN to: All Levels. (For 8 weeks!) Sept. & Oct.

Festival Flyer

Albuquerque Elder Master Annual Visit

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 14th Test/PreTest (9AM-12noon)
(Senior Black Belt Panel required!)
Saturday, SEPT., 14th (12noon -4PM)
Open to: ALL Levels

Festival Flyer

Drunken Beggar’s Broken Bowl & Frail Stick!

Sunday, September 29th (9AM – 1PM)
OPEN To: 1st Black & Above (for 1 Day ONLY!)

Festival Flyer

Thursday Morning Class: 10am-1pm

Thursday mornings-all levels.

Our morning classes have been quite popular and have had great attendance and success.

We look forward to seeing many of you during the mornings on Thursdays, to avoid rush hour.

Wooden Man Training

Shao-Lin Wooden Man training, which is better than ever, now that we have A total of 10 Shao-Lin Wooden Men available on-site!
Plus, teaching Levels #1-14 Daily.

And now offering PART 14, the Fukien Bone Shattering Elbows featuring the Whirling, Spinning, and Crushing Close- range Techniques from the Southern Shaolin Temple.

China Trip 2024

Click here for full article

Online Learning

Our Online videos have added a feature known as: GUIDES grouping the training for both Lower Belts, Brown Belts, 1st Blacks and Wooden Man for their ease of learning and advancement.

100% of the Lower Belt Instructional Curriculum
90% of the Brown Belt & 1st Black Advancement Curriculum are posted and available.

And instruction and training:
Available BOTH Virtually/On-line and at the School.
Especially nice to train in the comfort and security of your home 24/7.

Be sure to Sign Up Now to get the Early Bird Discounts!

Online and In-Person Learning

You can always renew/update your membership on the website, or by coming into the school, or mailing in your payment: Membership

To access your Instructional Videos, be sure your membership is up-to-date, and also that you have friended me on FaceBook. You will then be sent an “INVITE” to join your specific Group.

If you do have any questions, regarding any of the above, please FB message me. David Soard – FaceBook

Regarding the Shao-Lin Zen Forest Groups specific to a Festival/Seminar that was (is being) taught at the “Denver” Chinese Shao-Lin Center, the accompanying Zen Forest Group/Virtual videos/training will be available for 2 months/60 days following the date of the Festival!

Most of these Festivals are for advancement for those 2nd Black through 8th Black, and are taught/offered once every 2-4 years. ENJOY!

As has always been the case, for those wishing/needing additional training or review, signing up for a Private Lesson: in-person or virtual is always available - just contact us any time.

We hope everyone is enjoying and benefiting from
the FaceBook OnLine “Shao-Lin” Zen Forest Groups, for all levels.
Shao-Lin “Zen Forest” Groups – There are now over “100” videos
for Shao-Lin Active students.

Shao-Lin “Zen Forest” Groups
(Please click below on the “Group” you’re interested in joining)

Shao-Lin Zen Forest Lower Belt - Tai Chi Group

Shao-Lin Zen Forest Wooden Man - Iron Monk Group

Shao-Lin Zen Forest Wooden Man Part XII+ Group

Shao-Lin Zen Forest Brown Belt Group

Shao-Lin Zen Forest Black Belt Group

Shao-Lin Zen Forest Dragon Meditation Group

Celebrating 50 Years of Kung Fu!
And 35 Years of Trips/Travel to Zhong Guo – The MIDDLE KINGDOM!

David and Sharon
9th degree Senior ElderMasters
Chinese Shao-Lin Center- Kung Fu - Tai Chi / Wooden Man
(Est. 1979)
www.Shao- Lin.com

Shao-Lin Kung Fu & Tai Chi
7174 Washington St.| Denver, CO 80229
303.455.4088 | free class